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Friday, October 24, 2014

Ebola v AIDs

In the 80's the HIV/AIDs hysteria swept the world, many people struggled with the illness which seemed like a death sentence and became a social stigma. AIDs turned many individuals into pariahs, a myriad of myths surrounding the disease began popping up and suddenly the disease, which could only be caught through sexual contact or blood transfusion, was as contagious as the common cold. A combination of ignorance and fear helped to circulate these rumors and created the social stigmas which impacted the lives of millions of people living with the illness. The stigma from the disease specifically targeted the LGBT community and particularly gay men. "The attitude was, these (diseases) are only in gays and IV drug users, underdogs, people who didn't deserve any special attention," said HIV expert and doctor Friedman-Kien. Famous author Edmund White said "Mothers didn't want me picking up their babies. People didn't want to kiss you on the cheek. People certainly didn't want to have sex with you, especially other gay people. It was very isolating and demeaning."  The issue was not only with the health of the person with AIDs but how that person contracted it. HIV/AIDs became a symbol of shame and a very askew stereotype for the LGBT community. 

It seems as though the great contagion hysteria of our generation is the Ebola virus. The disease is similar to the AIDs in its mass hysteria and myths surrounding it. Hysteria has caused people to believe, like AIDs,  that Ebola can be contracted like and is contagious as the chicken pox. Ebola can only be contracted through physical contact with patient who has the virus. Even more so contact must be made with that patients bodily fluids. However there have been many conspiracy theories, rumors and myths about how Ebola can be contracted.The stigma of having ebola, however, does not just effect one group of people as AIDs did but it still creates many stereotypes and rumors. 

In order to combat ignorance, fear, and ultimately hysteria, people should research and fully understand the illnesses which impact our world. 

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